Weekly Obsessions, part 37 – Gosling week and new blog series

This week was weird, I tried to filled my days with lots of stuff so that I wouldn’t miss Sir Atticus too much. My biggest plan was to play World of Warcraft, but I found myself yet again too busy for it. Must be that I tried extra hard to fill my schedule. Oops. And I had the flu earlier and it’s still lingering for the whole week last week. But I’m already feeling better. And it’s Monday! Which means I get to see Sir real soon. ^.^ Let’s get started!

1. Foodporn Fever – mini kimchi chicken omelets and pork chops

I’ve made ‘egg corners‘ before, it’s a common dish in Cantonese homecooking and it’s one of my comfort food. They are basically mini omelettes with pork mince meat. In the beginning of the week I tried a new variations of my old favorite. I had some kimchi in my fridge and I got some chicken mince meat to go with it. Chicken mince meat is usually pretty bland and dry when cooked, but paired with the spicy kimchi it was quite delicious. I wrote how to made them last time (link up there), so if you want to give it a try, check the link out. With chicken, I precooked the mince meat and seasoned just a bit with very little salt (cos kimchi is quite salty), sesame oil and dried garlic. Then I chopped up the kimchi and they with the chicken made up the filling. Since the meat is precooked and kimchi are ready-to-eat, I just went ahead and turned the stove on high and the mini omelettes were quickly done, with the edges all crispy just the way I like it.

Continue reading Weekly Obsessions, part 37 – Gosling week and new blog series

Weekly Obsessions, part 36 – good food, bad movies and ugly drops

Oh great, I was sick, still am a little but back at work. Don’t you just love it when you get sick on Friday afternoon right after work and you couldn’t do literally anything the whole weekend? It’s definitely not fair. So that’s why I didn’t write anything nerdy on the weekend and the weekly obsessions is one day late. So let’s get down to it.

1. Foodporn Fever – eggplant, izakaya and liver


One of my favorite plants of all time is eggplant. I recently came across this Tasty recipe of eggplant rolls, so I decided to make my own version of it. Yes, I’m really bad at following recipes. And to make a decent meal out of it, I made some zucchini rolls too and some fried green and yellow beans and fried mushrooms as side dishes. As stated in the recipe, I pre-baked both the eggplant and zucchini. Inside the eggplants I rolled some mozzarella cheese, some prosciutto di parma (or any Spanish ham you prefer) and fresh basil leaves. In zucchinis, bacon strips and parmesan cheese.

Continue reading Weekly Obsessions, part 36 – good food, bad movies and ugly drops

Weekly Obsessions, part 35 – pho, squad and cheat

Monday feels like a good day to write weekly obsessions. 😀 Last week was a great one, I got to spend more time with Sir Atticus, and work began again. The work part is not great, but it does get me back to order with my workout and healthy eating. I also drink more water when I’m at work. Let’s be honest, vacations are fattening no matter what I do. So let’s go through the eventful week.

1. Foodporn Fever – beef pho and cheat day

2016-08-08-17-40-22I’m definitely a noodle person, I like the carbtastic treat in almost any shape or form. And as a proud Asian, I do love me some noodle soup, and last week’s highlight was a bowl of pho in a new Vietnamese restaurant opened in the center of Helsinki, Ônam. Vietnamese cuisine had become more and more popular in Helsinki, so places to get pho is not that rare anymore. But Ônam is different from many other places, because it serves sliced rare beef pho, which is by far my favorite version. So I got a bowl of just that. The little restaurant was very very cute, a little bit a Vietnam vibes here and there. The condiment shelf is very colorful, and every table is equipped with a bottle of sriracha. Let’s get into the pho itself. It’s not a big bowl, as the price wasn’t that high. The soup was decent, but can be more flavorful. The beef was probably medium rare by the time it arrived, I would love to have rarer meat. But it was fresh enough so I was happy with the meat. The only complain was the tiny amount of herbs and onions. There was no bean sprouts and I genuinely thought they just forgot the sprouts cos it kinda says it includes some in the menu. With a closer observation of the menu, an extra herb plate cost 2,5 €. I’m not sure whether that was the reason to the lack of herbs in the bowl itself. It sounds a little money hungry to me, cos with the extra herb plate this little bowl of pho would cost me 15 €, and all of a sudden it’s not that cheap anymore. I was looking for more of a snack than actual meal, so Ônam’s pho soup was perfect. But if I was seriously hungry and want a proper sized meal, I would need more. I don’t know how I feel about spending over 20 bucks in an Asian restaurant. I would go back, because there are other items I want to try, but if I’m in the mood for pho again, I probably would just stick to another Vietnamese restaurant Lie Mi in Helsinki, cos they have an after work special where all the pho and fried rice are 11 € only. 😛

Continue reading Weekly Obsessions, part 35 – pho, squad and cheat

Weekly Obsessions, part 34 – Birthday partay

For a whole week I haven’t updated anything. It was my last week of my summer holiday and I just wanted to be lazy. Super lazy. With-a-cape lazy. And I kinda start to think of a new updating schedule as the one I used felt challenging to stick to most times. So I’m going to try a new one. Weekly Obsessions from now on are going to be on Mondays, cos often there are something exciting happening on Sundays. Kinky and naughty posts remain on Wednesdays, as it proved to be a good spot. The same goes with Jukebox Friday. Nerdy posts will be on weekends, probably Saturdays mostly. I also think it’s an awesome idea to add themes in Weekly Obsessions. I used to just write five random things that happened the previous week, but with themes obsessions will get little categories of their own. Let’s try this out now for the first time about exciting stuff from the previous two weeks. 🙂

Continue reading Weekly Obsessions, part 34 – Birthday partay