Recipe of the Week, part 16 – French Omelette

Still on the Julia Child train, I got obsessed with the simple French omelette. I’m not much of a breakfast person, so little so that I attempted to make myself fall for breakfasts by doing a year-long Breakfast Around the World challenge. Spoiler alert, it just made my dislike of breakfast grew stronger. XD One of the reason might be that my mornings are quite packed. I gotta work out, shower and go to work on time. I don’t like eating sweet things and most of the time I don’t enjoy cold breakfasts either, or carb-rich ones cos I would get sleepy. So it has to be something quick, tasty, and low-carb. And also something that I want to eat every day. And I finally found it in Julia Child’s French omelette.

It’s a very simple recipe really, with just few ingredients but to master it, that’s a whole another story.

Ingredients (for 1 serving):

2 large eggs
1 tbsp (15g) butter
generous amount of salt
black pepper
chives (optional)

I keep my eggs on the counter so they are room temperature. The first thing I do is turn on my electric stove, to the max. If you have a gas stove, I envy you deeply. I don’t put the pan on the stove yet. First I break two large eggs into a large bowl and beat it until it’s bubbly. Then I put the pan on the hot stove, lets it sit there for a bit, then add the butter in. I would swirl the butter around the pan so that the surface is well-covered, especially the sides of the pan. Add the salt, I use a small salt grinder and I do 6-7 turns on it into my eggs. And about four turns on the black pepper grinder. I have no idea how much that is, in measurements. 😛 Gently mix the spices in. By now, the butter should just stopped making the sizzling sounds and it’s just before browning point. Pour the eggs in and immediately start to shake the pan back and forth on the stove without lifting the pan from the heat source. After about 5-10 seconds (depending on your stove and pan), the egg shouldn’t be runny anymore. It shouldn’t be whole cooked. Flip with a spatula or spoon or fork about 1/3 of the omelette in half. Drop the omelette onto a big plate and fold it onto itself to make it into a roll. 😀 Have a dollop of butter ready on your knife and butter up the surface of the omelette, then sprinkle some chopped up chives on top. And voila! 😀

Serve immediately for best consistancy. The whole cooking process, once mastered, should not take more than one minute. And it’s so good that I devour it usually in one minute. A great breakfast in less than 2 minutes. 😀 The secret is, it’s going to be more butter and more salt than you thought you would need. XD It’s filling and so satisfying, and I’m actually looking forward to it when I wake up. It took me about 3 weeks before I managed to make the perfect consistency for the omelette. I’m sure if I ever get a gas stove, I can make an even better one. If you are going to give it a try, I hope you enjoy. 🙂

Breakfast Around the World, part 52 – Austria

Breakfast Around the World‘, part 52 – last but definitely not least, Austria!


Tiroler Gr̦stl Рpotatoes and bacon and beef

This might look familiar to many from other countries than Austria. Like in Finland, we got a dish called pyttipannu that is very similar. In this version, we got cubed potatoes, bacon, and beef with onion and green onion. To top it all of, some sunny side up fried eggs. In Finland, we usually eat this dish after a night out drinking or the morning after a night out. 😀 Hangover food. It’s actually pretty delicious without the pounding headache or declining tipsyness too, as breakfast with a strong cup of coffee. 😀

This concludes the Breakfast Around the World saga of 2021. It had been fun, it had been delicious. Here’s to more culinary adventures in 2022!

Breakfast Around the World, part 51 – Argentina

Breakfast Around the World‘, part 51 – Argentina!


Revuelto Gramajo – Argentine Scrambled Eggs and Potatoes

The title practically said it all. 😀 This would have been the perfect drunk food – French fries, jamon, green onion and scrambled eggs. It sounds very simple and it is but it was actually really delicious.

Breakfast Around the World, part 50 – Denmark

Breakfast Around the World‘, part 50 – Denmark!


Æggekage – Egg cake

A simple recipe but yet so very delicious. It’s just eggs with a splash of cream, golden potatoes and crispy bacon and aromatic chives. Together they made a great and comforting breakfast that also doesn’t feel too heavy cos it doesn’t back that much fat or cheese. So to put some fat to round it up, of course we gotta have some Danish pastries! 😀 I haven’t had those in ages. It was definitely a nice trip to Denmark.

Breakfast Around the World, part 49 – Colombia

Breakfast Around the World‘, part 49 – Colombia!

Calentado – Traditional Colombian Breakfast

For some reason, I lost the photo that I took of the food. So please, just this once, imagine a nice bowl of long-grain rice with pinto beans and an aromatic tomato-based sauce called hogao. Paired with it some delicious chorizo and a fried egg, sunny side up. The rice tasted like comfort food even though I’ve never had it before. All of that was made even better with a cheesy bread called arepas. Simple yet delicious.