
The blog title origin

The story why I started this blog is told here at my very first post.

So the blog began as more like a healing tool, to emo around and shit. But then when BDSM became such a big part of my life, this blog turns into more of a blog for that little niche, well mostly. Since my life is not only whips and chains all the time, I’m also a self-proclaimed foodie, movie freak and a nerd, there are going to be blog posts about bits and pieces about those subjects too.

Here’s what you might find on this blog:

Kinky Wednesdays – Kinky Table of Contents
This is going to be my focus point because this blog did start as a story about my BDSM journey. On Wednesdays there will be posts about kinky, naughty and sexy things. Let’s not kid ourselves, Kinky Wednesday is probably the reason you are here reading my blog. 😛 I will try to write at least this post if nothing else.

Jukebox Friday
TGIF! Everyone’s favorite day of the week, and I would attempt to set the mood for the weekend with an appropriate song. Usually, it’s something that I fell in love with recently, something that I can’t get out of my mind, or simply something the reflect my mood for the week. Anyways, tune in every Friday for a song and a tiny story. There will also be occasional album reviews. I hardly ever skip Jukebox Fridays, unless I’m out of the country where there is no wifi. 😛

Nerdy Stuff
Consist mostly of reviews of movies and TV shows, books and basically anything nerdy. Reading challenges, in-depth long movie reviews, pop culture phenomena commentaries, mini movie reviews, fangirl rants, all the fun stuff.

All the movie stuff moved to my new movie blog ‘MOVIE MIGNON

Emo Stuff
I also write about things affecting my health, mental and physical, like weight-loss and exercise. Once in a blue moon, I might post something extra emo and deep shit.

4 thoughts on “About”

    1. Thank you for visiting! 😀 A spanko food blogger does sound like me XD As I am constantly looking for new kinky series to fill the void that the Original Sinners series left behind, I would love to give Ms Cass Harper a go 🙂


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