Youtube Video Plug – Twilight Fandom Uncovered

I’ve followed the Youtube channel of Fandom Entertainment (previously known as Screenjunkies) for a while now. It’s all about movies and TV-shows and just general nerdiness that I love. Recently they had revamped their channel and added some really interesting new content. Like the documentary series called ‘Fandom Uncovered’. And the first fandom they covered (or uncovered :P) was, surprised surprised, Twilight! I have my complicated history with Twilight. Say whatever you want about it, it was a fucking phenomenon when it came out. It’s not exactly a hot topic anymore, but I found this documentary absolutely fascinating. Twilight’s effect on the little town named Forks and it’s die-hard fans is undeniable, and here’s a deeper look about all of that. So even if you aren’t and have never been into Twilight per se, give this well-made and interesting af documentary a chance. It’s not just about Twilight fans, it’s a little dive into the fanaticism in general for certain fictional things. I can’t wait for more deep-dives into other fandoms.

The Time I Didn’t Post For Kinky Wednesday Cos Brazil

I was going to write something for Kinky Wednesday but I was so distracted all day cos Brazil was playing today and it’s an important game. No way I could write anything. So I decided to post photographic proof that I really am a huge Brazil football fan and I indeed watched the game wearing my Brazil football shirt and green panties cos it’s hot in my house. 😛 I promise to try harder next Wednesday to write! Since there aren’t any matches next Wednesday. 😛 Oh by the way, Brazil won! YAY!!

Fangirl Moment – Benedict Cumberbatch

dr strangeWarning: extreme and irrational fangirl gushing coming up. The trailer of Doctor Strange just dropped a few days ago, and it was fucking amazing. *floating on fangirl orgasm heaven* I love the movies of Marvel Cinematic Universe. The mere fact that they actually could pull off such ambitious project, not mentioning how unbelievably well they were doing too, it’s nothing less than legendary. Let’s take a moment to marvel (get it? :P) at the success and the recipe (imo) for it. It all began with Iron Man back in 2008. The first bulls-eye was to cast Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark/Iron Man. Was it a huge risk to take? Fuck yes. Robert had a troubled history of drug abuse and had been arrested many times, and he had been trying to make a come-back for many years, but remained relatively unknown. Until he became Iron Man.

Continue reading Fangirl Moment – Benedict Cumberbatch

Fangirl Moment – Emma Stone

Let’s kick off a new ongoing series so introduce you readers to my ‘nerdy’ side. I do have a fangirl blog, please check it out, cos it’s kinda lonely there cos I’ve been concentrating so much over here. But as promised in yesterday’s post, no pervy stuff for a week, cos I am not allowed to play with myself for another week. Seven days to go…

Photo courtesy of The Beauty Gossiper

So anyways, everyone can like movies, books, TV shows, video games, that doesn’t necessarily makes one a nerd. A nerd is someone who adores things in epic proportions, we get into minute details of things we love. I never wish to get too old to fangirl over popular culture. So to celebrate that, let me begin series “Fangirl Moment” by introducing you readers to my Goddess – Emma Stone. Okay. I have hundreds of favorite actors, I usually don’t put them in any kind of order, except my absolute favorite actor, comedian, human-being of all time is Emma Stone.

Continue reading Fangirl Moment – Emma Stone

Confessions of a Spanko, Part 1 – The Brush

A Spanko – A person with a fetish for spanking, usually but not exclusively sexual. (Wikipedia)

When it comes to my fetishes, I consider myself having the simplest of taste. Different kinds of spanking create a large part of my fetish list, and I’m fully planning to explore it all, every possible instrument, including those not designed for spanking. Eventually I would have enough experiences to write a more thorough guide/review/lovesong about different devices, but before that, let’s serenade them one by one.

Continue reading Confessions of a Spanko, Part 1 – The Brush