Weekly Obsessions, part 18 – broccoli, cookies and datenight

Another fun week that ended a little crappily cos I had headache from the moment I woke up today. But after three aspirins and two naps, I finally started to feel okay enough to do something useful: writing the weekly obsessions. 😀 Let’s get down to it and start with something nerdy.

1. Supergirl / Flash crossover

Photo courtesy of TVLine

While the movie superheroes took a dark road and are becoming more and more serious and dark (at least with DC), the TV universe stays light enough that it won’t put you in a dark mood on a weekly basis. That would had sucked. On of the cons of that is that unlike the Marvel movie/TV universe uniting and supporting each other as an unit, DC separates its movie and TV world completely. We would never see the heroes from TV on the big screen or vice versa. On the other hand, maybe it’s a good thing. Cos while the DC movie universe got to the point of all time low imo along with the Batman vs Superman mess, I am loving the DC TV series, the Arrow, Flash and the newest one Supergirl. Arrow and Flash had crossovered many times onto each others shows and it’s easy enough cos they are living in the same world. But Supergirl and Flash do not live in the same world, so when they announced a Supergirl and Flash crossover, I was beyond excited! And the episode turned out to be great. The two heroes had such chemistry together that it’s so sad to see them part ways. I hope there will be a crossover in the future, and since both hero actors are Glee alumni, they must do a song together somewhere in that crossover episode! I mean come on! It’s only fair, they are such spectacular singers. Okay, you convinced me, here’s my favorite performance by Flash when he was Sebastian in Glee, and here’s the Supergirl’s. 😛

Continue reading Weekly Obsessions, part 18 – broccoli, cookies and datenight