200 Million and One Hearts

Aiheeseen liittyvä kuvaThe year was 1998, twenty years ago I was 14 and it was summer time. Being the daughter of a huge football fan, I was of course forced to watch it from time to time, especially during World Cup time. I remember it was one of the matches in the first stage. My dad had friends over and there were bunch of loud middle aged men with their reluctant wives cramped up in our living-room, staring intently and cheering loudly at the TV. I only remember that it was Brazil playing, I don’t recall against whom. It was first time in my short life that I became completely mesmerized by a sport playing on TV. I admit I did not care about football, not one bit before that. But oh my word, Brazil was magical to witness. I was amazed at how a round object can be manipulated with such skill with feet only, like the players could move the ball with their minds. Then and there, I became interested in the game, and I asked to learn the rules of the game. Suddenly I had multiple men yelling football rules at me and telling me stories about football legends. I was hooked, and I never looked back.

Aiheeseen liittyvä kuvaIn many sense, the World Cup 1998 was historical. It was Zidane’s first world cup, it was Beckham’s and it was Ronaldo’s. No, not Cristiano Ronaldo, the Ronaldo from Brazil, one of the best football players ever Ronaldo. I absolutely fell in love with the style of South-American football. It was flashy, it was entertaining af, it was tricks and exploding advances that seemed almost impossible. How can a human-being move so fast? And when the finals rolled around, I was already a die hard Brazil fan and after 20 years I still am. The title of this post is inspired by Brazil’s slogan of this world cup “More than five stars, 200 million hearts”. In case you are wondering, the five stars is for Brazil’s five world cup wins. And 200 million hearts are for all the Brazilians, and plus one heart – mine. 😛

Aiheeseen liittyvä kuvaIn this glorious 20 years, I witnessed the rise of legends. I saw Zidane’s first match, I witnessed the dramatic ending to his world cup career. I blushed for Beckham’s good-looks at his first world cup match and was in awe of those absolutely unbelievable looking curved corner kicks. I adored Ronaldo from his first match to his last at world cup, cheered like an insane person when the deadly combo of Ronaldo and Ronaldinho together. I might enjoy football in any context, you can set me in front of any match, and I would probably enjoy myself, but I love love love world cup. It feels different. It’s the pride of the country you represent. I have never been as conflicted as I was in 2002 when Brazil played against China. My heart was with Brazil, but I felt guilty that I wasn’t supporting my own country China. I mean, against any other football team, I’m all for China no matter how full of shit it is. There was once an under 17 football match between China and my current home country Finland and I was screaming so loud cheering for China that I lost my voice for a week afterwards. 😀

Kuvahaun tulos haulle football is lifeI also have a personal fascination with the world cup, more because it’s held once in four years. I manage to find myself in very different life stages every time world cup rolls around. In 1998, I was still a virgin. In 2002, I’ve had multiple partners and had a regular fuckbuddy. In 2006, I started studying in college and I was dating my first serious boyfriend. In 2010, I’ve discovered my kinky side and just met my ex-fiance and graduated from college. In 2014, I had been working for a few years now and had bought a house with my then fiance. And this year, 2018, oh boy did a lot happened the past four years. 😀 I broke up with my ex-fiance, I sold my house, began my BDSM journey, had three dominants, moved into the very first apartment of my own, moved into the second apartment of my own and the last time I was this completely single without even a sex partner was exactly 20 years ago in 1998 when I was still a virgin. 😀 I wonder what my life would be when world cup 2022 comes. I guess we shall find out! Have a great world cup! ❤

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